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MIDI messages

Define static argument values using the preArgs option in order to complete the respective MIDI message.

/note channel note velocity#

NoteOn event or noteOff if velocity equals 0. Incoming noteOff events will be received as /note with velocity 0 if note_off_velocity is not set during setup.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • note: integer between 0 and 127
  • velocity: integer between 0 and 127


A push button might be configured as follows in order to send a MIDI note whose velocity is defined by the button's on/off value:

  • address: /note
  • preArgs: [1, 60] (for MIDI channel 1, and note 60 / C4)
  • on: 100 (for noteOn velocity of 100 on button push)
  • off: 0 (to send a noteOff on button release)
  • target: midi:device_name (where device_name is one of the declared midi devices defined during setup)

/note_off channel note velocity#

NoteOff event with any velocity. Incoming noteOff events will be received as /note_off if note_off_velocity is set during setup.

/control channel cc value#

Control change event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • cc: integer between 0 and 127
  • value: integer between 0 and 127


A fader might be configured as follows in order to send a MIDI control message (a volume control in this example):

  • address: /control
  • pre-args: [1, 7] (MIDI channel 1, control number 7 generally used as volume control)
  • range: {"min": 0, "max": 127} (MIDI values are encoded in this range)
  • target: midi:device_name

/program channel program#

Program change event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • program: integer between 0 and 127*


* Some devices / softwares display the program value between 1 and 128, thus interpreting program change 0 as program change 1 and so on. Add the pc_offset parameter to the server's midi option to make Open Stage Control behave this way.

/pitch channel pitch#

PitchWheel event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • pitch: integer between 0 and 16383

/sysex msg#

System exclusive message.

  • msg: hexadecimal sysex data string of the form f0 ... f7.

Instead of a single hexadecimal string, arguments can be separated and defined either as hexadecimal bytes or as integers. When received, system messages are always formatted as a single hexadecimal string.

/mtc timecode#

MIDI time code message.

  • timecode: hh:mm:ss:ff string.

/channel_pressure channel pressure#

Channel pressure event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • pressure: integer between 0 and 127

/key_pressure channel note pressure#

Polyphonic key pressure event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • note: integer between 0 and 127
  • pressure: integer between 0 and 127

/rpn channel rpn value#

Registered Parameter Number event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • rpn: integer between 0 and 16383
  • value: integer between 0 and 16383

/nrpn channel nrpn value#

Non-Registered Parameter Number event.

  • channel: integer between 1 and 16
  • nrpn: integer between 0 and 16383
  • value: integer between 0 and 16383