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Remote control#

When osc messages are received, the default behavior is to update the value of all widgets that match the address and preArgs. Additionally, Open Stage Control responds to some general osc commands.

Multi-client setup

These commands are interpreted by each client connected to the server so there might be more than one reply. Using a custom module is the only way to send a message to a single client.

/EDIT id properties options#

Apply a set of options to an existing widget by replacing the old ones with the new ones. This ignores the widget's lock property. If sent by a custom module using receive(), this command will not be prevented by the server's read-only option.

  • id: string, widget's id
  • properties: string, JSON5 stringified object defining the new properties to merge
  • example: {"label":"New Label", "color":"red"}
  • options (optional): string, JSON5 stringified object defining extra option flags:
    • noWarning: set to true to prevent further warning when exiting.

/EDIT/MERGE id properties options#

Apply a set of options to an existing widget by merging them to the widget's options.


Undo editing action


Redo editing action

/EDIT/GET target id#

Sends back a widget's data (JSON stringified object), including its children, to specified target.

  • target: string, ip:port pair
  • id: string, widget's id

Replies /EDIT/GET id data

  • id: string
  • data: string

/EDIT/GET target address preArg1 preArg2 ...#

Sends back a widget's data (JSON stringified object), including its children, to specified target.

  • target: string, ip:port pair
  • address: string, widget's address
  • preArg[1...]: *, widget's preArgs

Replies /EDIT/GET address preArg1 preArg2 ... data

  • address: string, widget's address
  • preArg[1...]: *, widget's preArgs
  • data: string

/GET target id#

Sends back a widget's value to specified target.

  • target: string, ip:port pair
  • id: string, widget's id

Replies /GET id value

  • id: string
  • value: *

/GET target address preArg1 preArg2 ...#

Sends back a widget's value to specified target.

  • target: string, ip:port pair
  • address: string, widget's address
  • preArg[1...]: *, widget's preArgs

Replies /GET address preArg1 preArg2 ... value

  • address: string, widget's address
  • preArg[1...]: *, widget's preArgs
  • value: *


Same as /GET but uses the widget's address instead of /GET to reply.

/NOTIFY icon message#

Sends a notification message to the client.

/LOG message#

Print message in the client's console.

/SET id value#

Set a widget's value as if it was interacted with from the interface. This is likely to make it send its value.

  • id: string, widget's id
  • value: *, widget's new value

/SET address preArg1 preArg2 ... value#

Set a widget's value as if it was interacted with from the interface. This is likely to make it send its value.

  • address: string, widget's address
  • preArg[1...]: *, widget's preArgs
  • value: *, widget's new value

/STATE/GET target#

Sends back the app's state to specified target

  • target: string, ip:port pair

/STATE/SET state send#

Set widgets' state

  • state: string, json stringified object ("widget_id": value pairs)
  • send (optional): boolean, set to false to prevent widgets from sending their values when the state is applied


Save the state of all widgets in the temporary slot.


Reload saved state from the temporary slot.


Make all widgets send their current value.

/STATE/OPEN path.state#

Open state file path.state.

/STATE/SAVE path.state#

Save state session to path.state.


Create a new empty session. Unsaved changes will be lost.

/SESSION/OPEN path.json#

Open session file path.json.

/SESSION/SAVE path.json#

Save current session to path.json. If path.json is omitted, current session's path is used.

/TABS tab_id1 tab_id2 ...#

Open the tabs designated by the id parameters.

/SCRIPT code#

Run code as if it where executed by a script widget.


Reload page in the browser.