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Widgets can run Javascript scripts upon specific events. These scripts are written in special properties under the scripting category.

Advanced syntaxes

Most advanced syntaxes should be avoided as much as possible in scripting properties:

  • @{}: use get() and getProp() instead
  • OSC{}: use get() instead (using another widget as receiver)
  • VAR{}: use getVar()instead
  • JS{} and #{} are useless (scripting properties are already interpreted as javascript code) unless you want to generate code procedurally

The editor will always fail to recognize these syntaxes as they don't comply with the javacript language specification, even if the resulting code is valid.



This script is called when the widget is created. If the widget has children, it will be executed after the children are created.

Modifying parent container

Modifying a non-dynamic property on a parent container from this script will not work.

The following variables are available in this context:

  • value: widget's value


This script is called when the widget's value updates and when it receives a value.

The following variables are available in this context:

  • id (string): id of the widget that's responsible for the value update
  • value: widget's value
  • touch: see Touch state
Keyboard & Matrix

In keyboards and matrices, id is the id of the child widget that triggered the event, and value is an array containing the children's values. The touched widget's value can be retrieved with:


Touch state (deprecated)

This feature is deprecated, use onTouch instead

When some widgets are touched or released, a special value event can be caught to trigger custom actions.

If the variable touch is not undefined, this means it holds the widget's current touch state:

  • 0/1 for the widget's touch state (fader, knob and xy, range and multixy)
  • [i, 0/1] if the widget is multi touch (range and multixy). In this case i is the touched handle's index, starting with 0.
if (touch !== undefined) {
    // send multi touch state
    if (touch.length) send('/touch_address', touch[0], touch[1])
    // send global touch state
    else send('/touch_address', touch)
} else {
    // do something with the value ?

To avoid unwanted script executions, touch state events will only be caught if the script contains the word touch and if onTouch is empty.


This script is executed when the widget is touched, and when it is released.

This script has access to the same variables and functions as the script property (except the event-specific ones), plus the following:

  • value: widget value
  • event: object containing the following:
    • type: "start" or "stop"
    • handle: undefined if the event concerns the widget, integer if it concerns one of it's handles (multixy and range widgets only)

Note: the canvas widgets exposes more informations in its onTouch script.


See canvas.


Script widget only

This script is executed when the key(s) defined in the widget's keyBinding property are pressed.

The following variables are available in this context:

  • type (string): keydown or keyup
  • key (string): key name,
  • code (number): key code
  • ctrl (boolean): true if ctrl key is pressed
  • shift (boolean): true if shift key is pressed
  • alt (boolean): true if alt key is pressed
  • meta (boolean): true if meta key is pressed


This script is specific to the root widget, it's called before any other widget is created and can be used to create global variables / functions accessible in other scripts.

Available variables#

The following variables and functions are accessible in this context.

  • console: javascript console
  • locals: object for storing/reading arbitrary values. Changing its properties does not trigger any synchronisation even if the value is used somewhere else.
  • globals: same as locals but shared between all widgets, contains a few useful variables:
    • screen: client screen informations ({width, height, orientation})
    • env: client options (ie: url query options),
    • ip: client's ip address,
    • url: server url,
    • platform: operating system as seen by the client
    • session: session file path
    • clipboard: instance of navigator Clipboard
  • Image: javascript's Image constructor


Unlike in most javascript contexts, the special keyword this doesn't point to an object but instead returns the string "this".


  • id: widget id as a string.

Returns the value of the first matching widget. If the returned value is an object, a copy is returned to allow safe mutation.

set(id, value, options)#

  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget. id may contains wildcards ('*').
  • value: new value for the widget.
  • options (optional): object, accepts the following items:
    • sync: false: prevents widgets from triggering synchronization and scripts
    • script: false: prevents scripts but not synchronization
    • send: false: prevents widgets from sending osc messages
    • external: true: simulates a value coming from an osc/midi message (implies sync: false automatically)

Sets the value of the first matching widget. If ìd contains wildcards, affects all matching widgets except the emitting widget.

If the event that triggered the script's execution was initiated by a user interaction, this will make the widget send its value as well (unless options is set to {send: false}).

getVar(id, name)#

  • id: widget id as a string.
  • name: variable name as a string.

Returns the value of a widget's custom variable. If the returned value is an object, a copy is returned to allow safe mutation.

setVar(id, name, value)#

  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget. id may contains wildcards ('*').
  • name: variable name as a string.
  • value: new value for the variable.

Sets the value of a widget's custom variable (see advanced syntaxes). If ìd contains wildcards, affects all matching widgets.

send(target, address, ...args)#

  • target (optional): "ip:port" or "midi:device_name" string. If omitted, the widget's target (or the server's defaults) will be used.
  • address: osc address, must start with a /
  • args: values or {type: "OSC_TYPE_LETTER", value: VALUE} objects

Sends an osc message.

If the event that triggered the script's execution was not initiated by a user interaction, this function will have no effect.

This function ignores the widget's bypass and ignoreDefaults properties.

send('', '/address', 1)
send('', '/address', 1, 2)
send('/address', 1) // uses the widget's target
send('/address', {type: 'i', value: 1}) // sends 1 as an integer

getProp(id, name)#

  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget.
  • name: property name.

Returns the property called "name" of the first matching widget. If the returned value is an object, a copy is returned to allow safe mutation.


  • id (optional): widget id as a string. Defaults to "this".

Returns the widget's index in its container.

updateProp(id, name)#

  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget.
  • name: property name.

Forces a widget to check if one of its properties has changed and update itself if needed.


  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget.

Forces a canvas widget redraw.

httpGet(url, callback)#

  • url: url of the resource to fetch (local url only)
  • callback: function executed when/if the http request succeeds, with the response text as argument


  • id: widget id as a string, or array of id strings. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget.

Returns a state object (id:value) for matching widget and all their children.

stateSet(state, options)#

Loads a state object. If the event that triggered the script's execution was initiated by a user interaction, this will make the updated widgets send their value as well.

  • options (optional): object, accepts the following items:
    • send: false: prevents widgets from sending osc messages


Global localStorage instance, allows storing data that persists upon refresh/relaunch.

setTimeout(id, callback, delay) / setInterval(id, callback, delay)#

These work like almost their native equivalent, with an extra (optional) id argument.

  • id (optional): unique identifier, if omitted, defaults to undefined. If a timeout with the same id is already running, it is cleared before the new one is created (even if undefined). ids are scoped to the widget's context: two timeouts with the same id in two different widgets can run concurrently
  • callback: function to be executed
  • delay: delay before execution is ms


Usage note:

If no concurrent timeout / interval is needed, calling setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout and clearInterval with no ìd argument will do.

clearTimeout(id) / clearInterval(id)#

Clears timeout with matching id.



  • id (optional): widget id as a string

Gives focus to a widget (ie input widget).

Built-in client only: tells the operating system to give the focus to the client window


Built-in client only: tells the operating system to give the focus to the window that was focused before.


  • focusable: 0 or 1

Built-in client only: define whether the client window can be focused or not. Text inputs cannot be interacted with when the window is not focusable.


  • id: widget id as a string.

Returns the scroll position of a container as a [x, y] array.


Scrollable panels expose their scroll position normalized between 0 and 1 with their value.

setScroll(id, x, y)#

  • id: widget id as a string. Can be "this" to target the host widget, or "parent" to target the parent widget.
  • x: horizontal scroll, undefined to use current value
  • y: vertical scroll, undefined to use current value

Sets the scroll state of a container.


Scrollable panels expose their scroll position normalized between 0 and 1 with their value.

toolbar(i1, i2, ...)#

  • iX: menu entry index

Triggers toolbar action at specified index.


  • toolbar(0, 0) -> Open a new session
  • toolbar(4) -> Toggle full screen

Actions will only be triggered if initiated with a user interaction. Fullscreen cannot be toggled with a simulated interaction (i.e. using /SET)


  • url: http(s) url

Built-in client only: opens url with the system's default browser External client only: opens url in a new tab

If the event that triggered the script's execution was not initiated by a user interaction, this function will have no effect.

runAs(id, callback)#

  • id: widget id as a string.
  • callback: function to be executed

Run callback function as if executed by another that widget matches specified id. This will not change the value of any local variable but "this" and "parent" arguments (accepted by functions such as set()) will be interpreted differently. Timeouts and intervals will be created and cleared in the target widget's scope.


  • keepState (optional): true by default, set to false to discard the client's state.

Reload the client application. Cannot be called from the onCreate property.

If the event that triggered the script's execution was not initiated by a user interaction, this function will have no effect.


Returns the instance of Navigator.

browseFile(options, callback)#

Opens the file file browser and pass selected file to a callback function (does not create nor read files by itself).

  • options: object with the following keys:
    • extension: allowed extension (default: "*")
    • directory: starting directory for browser (default: user's home)
    • allowDir: allow choosing a directory instead of a file (default: false)
    • mode: "save" or "open"